★ 為用戶考慮,本設備的整體尺寸緊湊,節省空間, 結構精巧美觀;
The construction is compact and beautiful in design.
★ 內置高效除塵器,維護方便,也可與中央集塵相連接;
Availlable with de-dusting filter or equipped for centralised dust suction.
★ 可根據客戶要求選擇多種材質:不銹鋼(SS304、SS304L、SS316、SS316L),碳鋼等;
Many kinds of material such as SS304、SS304L、SS316、SS316L,WCB to meet different requirement.
★ 可配置自動切刀,并設置自動反饋,實現整體設備的連鎖自動化;
Accessories for automatic cutting knives, automatic signal feedback , realizes the whole equipment chain of automation.
★ 整體結構、整體高度及料斗可根據用戶的實際現場布置進行設計調整;
The overall structure, height and hopper according to users actual site layout design adjustment,
★ 可配置壓袋機進行廢袋回收處理。
Accessories for connection of automatic bag cutting mechanism.
人工投料站的詳細信息, 請咨詢上海霏潤機械設備有限公司, 咨詢電話:13918******
產品介紹 Product introduction:
Bag Dump/Filter system is a self-contained, compact system for manually emptying bags and small drums. The system eliminates dust by recapturing particles and returning them to the hopper. The downdraft design of the bag dump draws dust through the loading grate as the bag is being emptied. Airborne dust is then stopped by bags in the filter section. These filters are continuously cleaned with pulse jet air, allowing the collected dust to fall into the hopper.
★ 為用戶考慮,本設備的整體尺寸緊湊,節省空間, 結構精巧美觀;
The construction is compact and beautiful in design.
★ 內置高效除塵器,維護方便,也可與中央集塵相連接;
Availlable with de-dusting filter or equipped for centralised dust suction.
★ 可根據客戶要求選擇多種材質:不銹鋼(SS304、SS304L、SS316、SS316L),碳鋼等;
Many kinds of material such as SS304、SS304L、SS316、SS316L,WCB to meet different requirement.
★ 可配置自動切刀,并設置自動反饋,實現整體設備的連鎖自動化;
Accessories for automatic cutting knives, automatic signal feedback , realizes the whole equipment chain of automation.
★ 整體結構、整體高度及料斗可根據用戶的實際現場布置進行設計調整;
The overall structure, height and hopper according to users actual site layout design adjustment,
★ 可配置壓袋機進行廢袋回收處理。
Accessories for connection of automatic bag cutting mechanism.