Acoustic Particle Sizing of Milk
Oil/Water, as well as, Water/Oil emulsions can partially degrade or even fully break up upon undergoing dilution. Thus, particle size measurements without dilution are desirable for emulsion characterization.
The APS-100 Acoustic Particle Sizer1 measures -without the need for sample dilution Particle Size Distribution, Longitudinal Viscosity, Percent Solids, pH, Conductivity, and Temperature. Using a patented measurement design2, the APS-100 performs acoustic attenuation spectroscopy measurements in the ultrasonic range of 1-100 MHz.
The resulting attenuation spectrum of dB/cm vs. Frequency (MHz) is used by a patented first-principle algorithm3 to calculate particle size distribution data without making assumptions regarding the shape of the particle size distribution, e.g. unimodal, bimodal, lognormal, Gaussian, etc. The APS-100 is calibrated with water without the need for particle size calibration standards.
通過使用原理算法使用產生的dB/cm / 頻率(MHz)的衰減譜來計算粒徑分布數據,而無需對粒徑分布的形狀進行假設,例如單峰、雙峰、對數正態、高斯等。APS-100是用水進行校準的,不需要使用粒度校準標準。
APS measurements are made by low-power (inaudible) short acoustic pulses (about 10 microseconds long) that do not affect the sample’s dispersion state as depicted in figure 1. Another instrument, the Zeta-APS, measures Zeta potential in addition to all these parameters.
Fig. 1. Waveforms of the ultrasonic pulses applied and measured during Acoustic Particle Sizing.
圖1 - 超聲波脈測量粒度的過程中,超聲波的脈沖波形。
Fig. 2. Acoustic Attenuation Spectra of 4% wt silica-water sample (3 runs: ?, ■, ▲) alongside DI water (x).
圖2 - 4%wt二氧化硅水樣(3次:?, ■, ▲)和去離子水的聲衰減譜。
Fig. 3. Particle Size Distribution overlaid data for three consecutive runs of a 4% wt silica-water sample.
圖3 – 三次4%wt二氧化硅水樣的粒度分布數據疊加圖
Figures 2 and 3 show attenuation spectra and particle size distribution data for three consecutive runs of a silica-water sample at 4% wt percent solids level (Nissan Chemical, Houston, TX). A water (solvent) spectrum is also shown. A solvent spectrum (excluding the particles) is required for particle size computation.
圖2和圖3顯示了連續三次4%wt二氧化硅水樣的粒度分布和聲衰減譜(Nissan Chemical, Houston, TX)。水樣的譜圖也有顯示。粒徑計算需要溶劑譜(不包括微粒)。圖3所示的PSD在0.1微米有相當窄的分布,接近MP1040二氧化硅的標稱平均粒徑。
Emulsion Analysis
For this study, five consumer-type dairy samples were characterized as follows:
- Half and Half Cream (HHC) 半脂乳
- Whole Milk (WM) 全脂乳
- 1% Low-fat Chocolate Milk (CM) 1% 低脂巧克力乳
- 1% Low-fat Milk (LFM) 1% 低脂乳
– Nonfat Milk (NFM) 脫脂乳
The samples were analyzed without dilution. They were continuously mixed by the APS- 100’s onboard mechanical mixer. Sample temperature was kept at 26 oC by the APS- 100’s sample heater.
Acoustic Data
Fig. 4. Acoustic Attenuation Spectra for five milk samples.
圖4 – 5種乳劑樣品的超聲衰減波譜。
Figure 4 shows acoustic attenuation spectra, dB/cm vs. Frequency (MHz), for the five milk samples. Attenuation levels decrease in the following order due to each sample’s fat content level as follows (see below about the 1% chocolate milk sample):
圖4顯示了5種乳的dB/cm / 頻率(MHz)的衰減譜。由于每個樣品的脂肪含量水平,衰減水平按以下順序降低(見下文關于1%巧克力牛奶樣品):
HHC半脂乳 > WM全脂乳 > CM1% 低脂巧克力乳 > LFM 低脂乳> NFM脫脂乳
Regarding Chocolate vs. Low-fat milk, the difference in attenuation is due to the added chocolate flavor components.
These samples were analyzed at 26 oC, kept constant by the APS-100’s onboard heater. Also, the samples were continuously mixed during these measurements by the APS-100’s mechanical mixer.
Fig. 5. Particle size distribution data for a whole milk sample by Acoustic Particle Sizing (APS-100).
圖5 – APS-100測量的全脂乳的粒度分布數據。
Figure 5 below presents the particle size distribution for a whole milk sample analyzed without dilution. The fat-free milk sample was used to represent the intrinsic attenuation required by the acoustic particle sizing computations4.
Intrinsic attenuation corresponds to the solvent attenuation, i.e. attenuation excluding the discrete phase (particles/droplets) of the sample. The particle and solvent physical properties required by the particle size computations were obtained from published data5.
Some of the corresponding particle size data for the whole milk sample are as follows:
Mean particle size, Volume weighted: 1.8 μm, 25th, 75th percentiles: 0.9, 2.5 μm
Mean particle size, Area weighted: 1.1 μm, 25th, 75th percentiles: 1.46, 1.5 μm
體積平均粒徑:1.8μm,D25 為0.9μm,D75為2.5μm
面積平均粒徑:1.1μm,D25 為1.46μm,D75為1.5μm
Figure 6 above corresponds to a sample of half and half creamer measured by an APS- 100 instrument without dilution. The particle size data is as follows:
Mean particle size, Volume weighted: 1.45 μm, 25th, 75th percentiles: 0.53, 2.6 μm
Mean particle size, Area weighted: 0.65 μm, 25th, 75th percentiles: 0.2, 0.68 μm
圖6對應的是用APS- 100儀器測量的沒有稀釋半脂乳樣品的測試數據:
體積平均粒徑:1.45μm,D25 為0.53μm,D75為2.6μm
面積平均粒徑:0.65μm,D25 為0.20μm,D75為0.68μm
1. Matec Applied Sciences, Northborough, MA USA, www.matecappliedsciences。。com)
2. US Patent 6,604,408
3. US Patent 6,119,510
4. McClements, D. J., and Povey, J. W., Ultrasonic analysis of edible fats and oils, Ultrasonics, vol 30, 6, 1992.
5. Lopez, C., Briard-Bion, V., Camier, B., Gassi, J. Y., Milk Fat Thermal Properties and Solid Fat Content in Emmental Cheese: A Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study, J. Dairy Sci., 89:2894-2910, 2006/

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